Sunday, February 4, 2018

Suwanee River & SeaWorld: Lesson Two of 2018

We, the little family and I, did our second getaway of 2018! We went north to the Suwanee River. My husband and I have long wanted a cabin for a second home; a getaway; a piece of woods to retreat within and explore. We thought, after a long search, that this land and small cabin we found were absolutely just right, so we visited it on Saturday. It was nearly a five hour drive to get there (plus a speeding ticket, ouch) and when we saw the property our jaws dropped. It was everything we ever wanted, but it was so remote that it made my husband leery*. He was quiet on our drive out of there, and I knew he was upset. I offered to drive home, but we decided it was too far and we had promised a "hotel" night to the kids, thinking we'd be drawing up an offer on Sunday. Our kids LOVE hotels! We couldn't disappoint. Gainesville hotel rooms were largely booked so we kept on driving and decided while children slept in the car that we would head to Orlando. You can imagine their delight when we found a last minute suite for a great deal, and then we said we'd do SeaWorld the next day! They went full bananas -- we've deprived them of all things Orlando (except the great science museum there, ha!); remember, we want the not-too-remote cabin in the woods, folks!

Here you will see that old Suwanee River (could be your view if you like remote remote remote):

At SeaWorld, a Guy Harvey mural:

We had lunch with sharks, etc.

We saw penguins!

Sea turtles!

And flamingos!

And yes, there was even a coffee stop before the SeaWorld madness.

Even though it didn't turn out how we wanted on the Suwanee, by golly, we had a great time making our way to North Florida and pit-stopping in Central FL on our way home.

*Listen to your gut, your spidey senses, your tingling spines. We joked that in another universe today, on a cosmic loop, we bought the cabin and we were all murdered there the first weekend we stayed in it. Yes! We are one horror story away from Stephen King status. 

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