Monday, January 29, 2018

Twenty Eighteen, oh hello!

Oh hello Twenty Eighteen! How are you doing!

I rang in the New Year with family in Montana (Yellowstone NP, Big Sky, Bozeman) and I'm still holding on to the last few days of January since it was a such wonderful month with family and fir trees on all sides of me. I mean, will you just look below? It was such a gift to be in the geology and ecology of Yellowstone on New Year's Day.

Suns up on 2018 though, and it's time to get busy with my resolution. I'm keeping it simple this year, and instead of a lengthy list, 2018 will be a year of learning for me. I'm looking forward to trying all manner of new things or getting better at old things. I'm going to be stuffing as much as I can through my learning filter*. I can't wait to tell you all the books I've already smashed into January! All the new things I've learned! Come with this reader, woman, mother and yes, still coffee drinker, and let's learn.

*What did I learn today? Never, ever, ever, ever send an email when you're cross. I wasn't on the giving or receiving end of an angry email, but I was reading some you-can't-take-that-back kind of communication unfold in real time as part of a larger group. Today was an amazing example of how poorly it looks to be involved in an email drama. No, I don't tend to send emails when I'm fired up. But I do tend to find people and their behaviors fascinating in general, especially when they believe they are justified in what they've dished out with furious finger pecks! 

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