Sunday, January 1, 2017

resolution road

Let's see if I can't knock some of these out this year:

My hugest resolution is: no assumptions! I assume a lot in my head and I never quite get the story straight. Ever. I see assuming as giving myself an excuse to worry? Or, not explaining myself in the best way? Question marks because it is both of those things.

As a mother - how about being nicer to my kids! Or appearing less angry (see: "Princess Leia is always angry. Just like you, mom." - Helen, age 3).

I'd like to put more things on eBay.

Stay curious.

Stay dairy-free.

Eat those high fiber, high protein breakfasts - take lunches and eat outside!

Read! (40 books in 2017)


Write a poem.

Take George to New York or Washington, D.C. (tip to remember: might be quiet in early December?)

See the dentist more.

Paint my nails.

At work - stay idea savvy; instead of running away from library, run into it.

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